There are many places that we can put at the top of the list of places to visit in Istanbul and it is very difficult to choose, but Hagia Sophia deserves to be in the first place. Hagia Sophia, built in 360 by the Eastern Roman Emperor Constantius, is one of the oldest cathedrals in the world.

1- The Priest Disappeared with the Holy Grail

The most surprising one among the legends of Hagia Sophia, in my opinion, is the priest who disappeared with the holy grail. According to the legend; Muslims, who see the priest passing through the door, see that the door turns into a straight wall, even though he runs after him. Another rumor about the priest is that if Istanbul is taken back by the Christian world, the door will open and the priest will continue his sermon from where he left off.

2- Hz. Holy Relics of Jesus in Hagia Sophia

One of the most impressive secrets of Hagia Sophia is Hz. The cross on which Jesus was crucified and the nails used are found in a secret section. According to the narration; These relics brought from Jerusalem are kept in a secret compartment in Hagia Sophia. The secret of Hagia Sophia to host these relics is Hz. Believing that the place where Jesus will descend to the world after 40 thousand years is Hagia Sophia!

3- Hz. Column Pierced by Mary's Tears

It is said that the weeping pole, known as the weeping pole, was once in the house of the Virgin Mary. Hz. Hearing that Jesus was captured and tortured, the Virgin Mary burst into tears and her tears melted this column. While Hagia Sophia was being built, this column was brought to Hagia Sophia and the church was blessed with this column. There are many stories about the pillar, which is considered sacred. Today, visitors to Hagia Sophia turn the hole formed by the tears of the Virgin Mary with their fingers and make wishes. For this reason, the column is also known as the wish column.

4- The Secret of the Plates Symbolizing the Islamic World

Many Islamic motifs were added to Hagia Sophia to create an Islamic temple atmosphere after it was converted into a mosque with the conquest of Istanbul. The most important of these is of course the verse "God is the light of the heavens and the earth" written on the dome of Hagia Sophia. Hz. The plates on which the names of the 4 caliphs along with Muhammad are written play a major role in the creation of an Islamic temple. So that; Although it was tried to remove the plates from Hagia Sophia, which was intended to be turned into a museum for a period, this request could not be realized. Because there was no way for the signs to pass through the doors. This is the real reason why the plates that are bigger than the doors are so big!

5- History of the Apocalypse

One of the beliefs about Hagia Sophia is that one of the columns writes the date of the apocalypse! When entered through the door at the south entrance of the building, Hz. Khidr has a date that indicates when the apocalypse will break. On the column, it is written exactly: “Eighteenth of Eighteenth of Eighteenth, year 1038”.

6- The Secret of the Coffin in Hagia Sophia

There is a coffin in the middle of Hagia Sophia's qibla gates. According to the belief, if this coffin is moved, it is thought that Hagia Sophia will be destroyed. There are 4 angel figures on the dome above the coffin, which is known to belong to Queen Sofia. When the relationship between the figures of Azrael, Israfil, Gabriel and Mikail angels and the coffin was examined, it was thought that Hagia Sophia would be destroyed if the coffin was moved.

7- The Story of the Fish Cut to Stone

If you have been to Hagia Sophia, you must have seen the fish figure in front of the Emperor's Gate. Like everything inside, they have a story. The stories say that the priests in Hagia Sophia were frying fish when Mehmet the Conqueror besieged Istanbul. When the fish fried in the pan realize that Istanbul has been conquered, they come out of the hot oil and turn into stones.

8- Turning Hagia Sophia Towards Qibla

According to what has been said; After Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Istanbul, he wants to perform the Friday prayer in Hagia Sophia. He breaks the prayer twice during the prayer when he is also the imam. When he says the third takbir after the first two takbirs, he can only lead the Friday prayer. When the people of the mosque ask the reason for this, he gets the following answer: “I wanted the Kaaba to be visible to me and the whole congregation during prayer! With this intention, when the Kaaba did not appear in the first and second takbirs, I broke the prayer, but the third takbir came before my eyes.” says. Akşemseddin explains the event as follows; “Mr. While Khidr was coming to keep it pure, Sweat put his finger on the Mast (Weeping Column of the Virgin Mary) and turned the direction of Hagia Sophia towards the qibla. After that, he stopped to pray. Thus, after the sultan uttered the takbir for the third time, he saw the Kaaba right in front of him.”

9- Place where Satan is imprisoned: Hagia Sophia

After the conquest of Istanbul, Fatih Sultan Mehmet gave Akşemseddin the task of transforming Hagia Sophia into a mosque. In Hagia Sophia, which was tried to be brought up for Friday prayer, no progress was made, no matter how hard Aksemseddin said, because of the delusions that the devil gave to the workers.

He understands that. Upon this, Akşemseddin's prayers, who prayed and prayed to God, were accepted and God imprisoned the devil in a marble in Hagia Sophia.

10- Talisman of the Doors

Among all these legends, there is of course a story behind the flamboyant doors that fascinate everyone who goes to Hagia Sophia! Hagia Sophia has 361 majestic gates. However, it is said that the doors, 101 of which are larger than the others, are talismanic. Because whenever these doors are counted, an extra door appears.